Semalt Expert – WordPress Facebook Plugin Advice

As a WordPress publisher, you can easily integrate the Facebook plugins and features, including social mentions and publications, thanks to the new Facebook plugin for making it possible for all of us. This plugin was recently built and launched by the Facebook engineers, and it makes it easy for us to integrate our WordPress site without the need for any code. The plugin works both on your smartphone and support internationalization. Once you have installed this Facebook plugin, you can publish multiple posts on your website and can share them on social media in no time.
Here Alexander Peresunko, a top specialist from Semalt, has outlined the best ways to use the new Facebook plugin on your WordPress website easily.
#1: Install this Facebook Plugin on Your Site or Blog
Go to the WordPress admin panel and then open the Plugin section to look for Facebook. If you had installed that plugin, you would definitely find it in this area. Click on the Install Now button and get this plugin installed within seconds. You will have to activate the plugin before enjoying all its features and options. Once you have installed this Facebook plugin, you can adjust its settings as per your WordPress site's niche and nature.

#2: Create Your Facebook Application
The next step is to create the Facebook application of your choice. You don't need to worry as this does not require any code insertion and is a quite simple and easy method. To benefit from your new Facebook plugin for Wordpress, you would have to create your own social media app. For this, go to the Facebook apps section and click on the
Create A New App button. You will be immediately prompted to enter the App Name and Namespace. Select its name wisely and save the settings. Once the name has been defined, you will have to enter your contact number, blog name, email ID, and the URL of your site.
#3: Measure the Social Traffic
Once the plugin has been installed and activated on your WordPress website, the next step is to measure the quality of your social media traffic. You can go to the Settings option of this plugin to see what type of Facebook traffic your site is receiving and how the users are interacting. This Facebook plugin will display insights of how many users are returning and how much time do they spend on your web pages. Plus, you can get an idea of which web pages or articles are more famous than the others. The option titled as Facebook Insights will tell you how many visitors your website received from social media and how much time they spent on your site while sharing liking and commenting the posts. The Insights data also have your demographic information, and you can know how do the users react on your web pages. Plus, you can receive the feedback from different users on a daily, monthly or annual basis. However, you cannot be assured of how to increase the number of visitors as this Facebook/WordPress plugin does not help in this regard.